Jan 29, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Jaime - I value your work and want to see it continue - however I am not in a financial position to commit to an ongoing subscription. I ‘subscribe’ for free to over 20 Substack authors because my judgment is that they provide me with a valuable stream of information and analysis that is difficult to obtain elsewhere, and yours is one of those. I only pay for one Substack – a former member of the Australian parliament, because it is important to me that his voice continues to be heard about the true nature of the Covid disaster and the dangerous effects of the mRNA injectables.

In Australia the corporate media have a vice-like grip on the channels of ‘News’ and information. This includes the government-owned electronic media outlets, which are highly politicised. They continually pump out distortions and contrived B/S. Much of it is truly time-wasting informational noise – that is, ‘Fake News’. From about March 2020, the Australian corporate media ramped up a campaign that demonised anyone who challenged the official narrative that the new technology injectables were going to be the solution for Covid. The Australian corporate media then did its utmost to create fear and panic, and they facilitated the demonisation of anyone who challenged the official narrative who were framed as dangerous “anti-vaxxers”. This had the effect of provoking all sorts of hateful online commentary from the ignorant – and possibly, paid ‘influencers’. The end result was police brutality against anti-mandate protestors in the State of Victoria in 2021, the likes of which I have never seen before. This brutality went virtually unreported in the Australian corporate media, so most Australians remain ignorant that it took place.

The Australian corporate media went to great pains to distort information about the early treatment options of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to ensure that the public never became aware that those well-established and very safe drugs could have stopped the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in its tracks. The supportive advice of Australia’s most prominent immunologists went unreported - that is, deliberately suppressed. Most people in the Australian ‘educated’ classes have never heard of the ‘Great Barrington Declaration’ – I only found one passing reference to it in ‘The Australian’ – the national newspaper, and that was in October 2021 – then silence - there was no discussion. I cancelled my subscription to that newspaper last year because of the way it was throttling information about Covid and suppressing reports about the injury being caused by the mRNA injectables.

In addition to the Substack channels, I took out a subscription to the digital edition of ‘The Epoch Times’ because of the excellence of their reporting & analysis about the ongoing Covid crisis. I also subscribe to ‘Spectator Australia’ – the local edition of the British magazine. It has been honest and forthright in challenging the official Covid & injectables narrative. However neither of these publications have the subscription base of the major media corporates in Australia, so their messages of warning get blown away in the wind.

Having said all that, I would be happy to make occasional donations to various Substack authors such as yourself due to the quality of the work – but unfortunately Substack does not provide that facility, and I can understand why. I notice that at least one of the Substack authors I ‘subscribe’ to has a ‘Buy Me a Coffee’ option. As I believe in paying for quality analysis, I suggest that you might want to explore that avenue. Keep up the great work.

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Jan 29, 2023·edited Jan 29, 2023Author

I agree with you 100%. We are now in a situation where the entire corporate media has been bought out and so it comes down to independent journalists and writers to bypass this mass censorship and try to get real information out to the public. They can't stop that, unless they completely close down the internet. But I do think they'll be coming for Substack soon; it's become a very important and influential source for alternative media.

The latest example of attempted censorship is the Project Veritas Pfizer sting. The corporate media are refusing to report on it, Google has scrubbed searches and taken down the first video, but for all the immense power of the military-industrial/bio-pharmaceutical complex/Big Tech/MSM/government alliance, they still can't control the flow of information on the world wide web. All they can do is slow it down for a while.

My greatest reward for my small contribution to alternative media would be many more readers and it wouldn't bother me in the least if they were all free subscribers. I don't do this for financial gain.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

I love ❤️ your work and love ❤️ your subscribers comments.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

I always learn something by reading your articles. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication.

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