Sep 12, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Fooled me too Jaime and I believed the lie for years.

WTC 7 was my redpill....

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

It will never be forgotten that the Deep State was an accessory to the murder of thousands of Americans that day, a coconspirator in the destabilization, slaughter and destruction of the entire Middle East, which led to the destruction of tens of thousands of brave American (and coalition) soldiers killed and maimed fighting for a lie, and the loss of freedom and security with the "PatriotAct" surveillance state.

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What makes me really sick is the final act in the Middle East military adventure, when Biden just ordered the complete and hasty withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, spitting in the face of the many thousands of military personnel who had lost their lives and been critically injured fighting for the elite's fabricated 'cause' up to that point, not to mention their long suffering families. And I'm not forgetting the military working dogs either. That callous, gibbering idiot, fake POTUS abandoned loyal working dogs, who had saved countless human lives, to face a grisly fate alone in Afghanistan, either through starvation or death at the hands of the Taliban.

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Never forget Sep 10th, 2001. Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to state that the Pentagon was missing more than $2.3 trillion. The next day the Pentagon was hit by an invisible plane in the Army Budget Office which was responsible for accounting.

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I've only just discovered this fact, after all these years. Shame on me for not even knowing that.

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No shame necessary. It takes a village.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

And let us not forget the missing billions in the Pentagon budget that quietly got overlooked in light of the explosion at the Pentagon (whatever that was).

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

On 9/11 the BBC initially falsely reported that the Salomon Brothers building (WTC7) had collapsed some 23 minutes before it actually collapsed. The report was too specific for it to have been any mere 'mistake'. The BBC were clearly reading from a script and there is no getting around it. Darren Nesbit of The Light takes Mariana Spring to task over it. https://twitter.com/banthebbc/status/1669106400201437186?s=19

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Yes, I have not seen this fact of history debunked anywhere. How could the BBC report on the collapse of WTC7 23 minutes before it collapsed - unless they were briefed that it was about to collapse or be collapsed?

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I’m not sure why Infowars is re-hashing old stuff like this. The WTC7 conspiracy theory has been debunked many times over the years 2005, 2006 and 2011 by Popular Mechanics Magazine for example. This was long before fact checkers came into existence.


The property insurance claims were litigated for years but were settled for almost $5bn


This was on top of billions more for loss of life, business interruption and other types of claim. If there was any hint of this being an ‘inside job’ do you really think hard-nosed insurers would have settled.

I put this in the same camp as the alien/UFO videos. They’re a distraction to keep us all occupied.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023Author

I'm not given to uncritically accepting wild conspiracy theories but the near perfect 'controlled demolition' like collapse of all three buildings is just too difficult to believe was the result of planes hitting two of the buildings, and the jet fuel explanation for the collapse of the twin towers just does not seem plausible. There are just too many oddities about 911 not to conclude that the official narrative is almost certainly false.

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So on the Twin Towers you have a plane load of aviation fuel, a breach in the outer wall which is load-bearing, winds fanning the fire to extreme temperatures (like in Maui), loss of fire-resistant asbestos coating on the steel beams and girders, tons of combustible office furniture. What is the alternative theory that has been put forward, examined and cross-examined?

There is a disagreement between professional engineers working for NiST on the one hand and AE911Truth on the other. Here’s an interview with Roland Angle of AE911Truth about the collapse of WTC7.


But the alternative theory is what? It woz the CIA.

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The alternative is that controlled demolitions took place. The fact is, both towers and WTC7 collapsed in on themselves, in free fall, which I believe are the ONLY examples, before or since, of steel framed buildings collapsing in this way - due to fire. Correct me if I'm wrong. Many demolition experts claim that the collapses would have been impossible without controlled explosions. If that's the case, who set the explosives is rather beside the point. The main point is, the explosives would have been absolutely necessary in order to explain what happened, which nobody can deny - the buildings actually collapsed as described.

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Here’s a controlled demolition of a 28 story building in Detroit in 1998, three years before. 9/11.


Note that there are hundreds of charges all over the building and they don’t go off simultaneously.

According to the demolition contractor, It took six months to survey the structure and prepare it for the blast by removing non-load bearing walls, weakening support structures and fitting the charges.

But the argument for a controlled demolition of WTC7 is that the charges were fitted in a few hours in a burning building.

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Is that the only argument? Why would the charges have been fitted then? Why not days or months before September 11? But the facts remain: NIST's hypothesis of how WTC7 collapsed naturally due to fire is not consistent with the forensic analysis of the collapse, plus numerous observations. What IS consistent with the analysis and observations is that the building was destroyed via a controlled demolition.


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Is there any evidence of planting of explosives?

There is plenty of evidence for a progressive collapse of the buildings


The crime of 9/11 was compounded by the subsequent expansion of executive powers and military-industrial complex which became the War on Terror. Conspiracy theories about WTC7 distract attention from that.

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I can buy some of it, but I remain unconvinced by the explanations for he WTC7. This makes me think the rest are also bogus.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

You beat me to it with the video, JJ.

“Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jaime Jessop

Yes. Even those who think 9/11 was terrorists cant really look at 7 wtc and believe it was terrorists..they get uneasy. And it was the opening assault of the new world order.. civic I think was the lads... and it worked so well..they might half he as rudely try again and the fire in Maui is to make way for the new concentration camps..I mean smart cities. Can you not HEAR how Fast they ate getting Digital Controlable Cirrency ready? It is speed up so fast..see the g20 mtg statement..the bars of digital currency are how they will finally save their power and our jail cells will soon be slammed and locked.

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