The Great Reset is in fact the vainglorious attempt by the globalist elite to model themselves on the Medieval alchemists, whose quest was to transform philosophical and symbolical ‘lead’ into ‘gold’. Some hapless practitioners took that literally and generally ended up being poisoned by mercury or various highly toxic fumes in their makeshift labs! Alchemy in Medieval times was known as the magnum opus, the Great Work. The latter day WEF/Davos alchemists hope to accomplish the same miraculous feat by transforming human society (and human beings) into something ‘better’, more durable, incorruptible, immortal in fact. Schwab’s fourth industrial revolution, the transformation of society and the creation of machine-flesh merged trans humans, is alchemy applied to humanity and to human society as a whole.
But first though, one must start with the massa confusa (chaotic matter), often called the prima materia, of which it was said:
They have compared the "prima materia" to everything, to male and female, to the hermaphroditic monster, to heaven and earth, to body and spirit, chaos, microcosm, and the confused mass; it contains in itself all colours and potentially all metals; there is nothing more wonderful in the world, for it begets itself, conceives itself, and gives birth to itself.
[Theatrum Chemicum]
A hermaphroditic confused mass. Ring any bells? This is what they want. Total confusion. The absence of gender, the absence of values, morals, beliefs, national identities; diversity in abundance but everything in a state of chaotic disorder and disarray. No unity, no cohesion; just infighting and divisiveness. This is the essential nature of the Substance which the Great Resetters desire in order to perform their Great Work of alchemical transmutation. Not all alchemists considered the prima materia to be so wonderful; in fact most did not. They refer to it using far more negative and unflattering terminology. To list but a few: common earth, lead, water, stone, urine, vinegar, venom, faeces, blood, a putrefying toad, an earthy dragon, a raven's head, a corpse, a poisonous serpent. The smell of the first matter was often likened to the 'stench of the graves' and linked to death and decay more generally. Which brings us to the putrefaction (putrefactio) which is the second stage of the alchemist’s Great Work, following the acquisition of the prima materia or massa confusa.
The alchemist ‘kills’ the chaotic matter sitting in his glass flask or laboratory retort, whereupon it turns pitch black. This is the nigredo or ‘blackening’ and is symbolically represented as the caput corvi (raven’s head). Death, decay, putrefaction: this is what the elites have in store for us and our societies before they ‘build back better’ and turn our lead into gold, which will not be our gold, but their gold, their wealth, their accomplishment, the high point of their ideological quest to perfect the human race and recast us all in their abominable image. This is where real, philosophical alchemy, as a path towards true perfection and enlightenment, or spiritual transformation, differs radically from the lofty, arrogant ambitions of our would be masters. Their vision of perfection via transformation of the masses to conform to their will is perverted through the lens of their corrupt and selfish ideological goals. They merely use alchemy as the blueprint whereby they can achieve those goals.
In alchemy, the controlled killing is done via the gentle heating of the prime matter in the alchemist’s retort, held above the furnace (athanor), whereby all moisture (life) is expelled from the chaotic massa confusa to form a blackened, desiccated corpse. The furnace of the globalist elite, applied to the living, heaving, chaotic mass of humanity is no less lethal but very much more sinister; it involves a blackening of the human spirit, the death of joy, of liberty, of individuality and enterprise, of industry, creativity, art, science, music, love and harmony, to be replaced with confinement and isolation, hatred and division, misery and death, poverty and pestilence - a controlled destruction, a managed decline, now accelerating and increasingly, it would seem, mismanaged.
They derive their fervour obviously from the ancient and powerful symbolism of the Great Work. In the Artis Auriferae (Golden Arts, 1593), we find the following statement: “When you see your matter going black, rejoice: for that is the beginning of the work.” The massa confusa thus undergoes a certain systematised 'killing' - a 'sacrifice' even - to become the jet-black prima materia. It is a religious ritual, couched in pseudoscientific terminology. The Splendor Solis (1582) informs its readers: "Dissolution is the First Operation which has to take place in the Art of Alchemy . . . . . . . . . This Dissolution is nothing but a killing of the moist with the dry, in fact a Putrefaction, and consequently turns the Matter black".
As we have seen, the Great Reset, operating under the guise of climate action, also involves religious sacrifices performed using pseudoscience as justification.
The blackened first matter, the “black and fetid ashes” as one author describes them, are not to be “despised” however, for they hold within them the promise of not just renewal, but perfection in a new, resuscitated, resurrected form:
We see, then, that these black and fetid ashes are not to be despised, since they contain the Diadem of our King; your substance will never be white, if it has not first been black. It is by means of putrefaction and decay that it attains the glorified body of its resurrection, Therefore, you should honour the Tomb of our King, for unless you do so, you will never behold him coming in his glory.
Whereas the alchemists may have revered their blackened putrefying prima materia, which they themselves ‘killed’ in readiness for its miraculous transformation, the globalist elite, on the other hand, do despise the lowly proles who form the raw material of their ‘just transition’, their social, political and economic Great Reset. If millions die, so what? They have only contempt for the human masses who are to be the subjects of their mass experimentation in transformation and transmutation. The last three years have taught us this without any shadow of doubt. The ongoing machinations of the Green Reset Net Zero climate change fanatics prove that human life (and death) means nothing to these psychopaths. Neither does animal life nor the natural environment which they pretend to be ‘saving’. All that matters is the end - the Philosopher’s Stone (lapis philosophorum).
The putrefactio was also synonymous with the separation (separatio) of the four primordial elements (earth, air, fire, and water) contained within the substance of the massa confusa. We read in the old texts that “mortification” (mortificatio) is none other than the “separation of the elements”. Likewise, the Rosarium, when speaking of the nigredo, states: “Here is the division of the four elements”. Jacob Boehme, the 17th century Christian mystic/alchemist, puts it rather more prosaically when he says that, upon death, the “four elements separate from the true man”; or, coining another phrase, he says the “Old Adam” (a biblical synonym for the First Matter) grows “wholly dark, and swarthish” (a reference to the nigredo), when “the four elements go out from him with their colours”.
As far as the Great Resetters of Globocap are concerned, we can now see very clearly where their inspiration for the initial stages of the Great Reset comes from, courtesy of C J Hopkins, who describes it perfectly:
The global capitalist ruling classes are implementing a new official ideology, in other words, a new ‘reality.’ That’s what an official ideology is. It’s more than just a set of beliefs. Anyone can have any beliefs they want. Your personal beliefs do not constitute ‘reality.’ In order to make your beliefs ‘reality,’ you need to have the power to impose them on society. You need the power of the police, the military, the media, scientific ‘experts,’ academia, the culture industry, the entire ideology-manufacturing machine. There is nothing subtle about this process. Decommissioning one ‘reality’ and replacing it with another is a brutal business. Societies grow accustomed to their ‘realities.’ We do not surrender them willingly or easily. Normally, what’s required to get us to do so is a crisis, a war, a state of emergency, or … you know, a deadly global pandemic. During the changeover from the old ‘reality’ to the new ‘reality,’ the society is torn apart. The old ‘reality’ is being disassembled and the new one has not yet taken its place. It feels like madness, and, in a way, it is. For a time, the society is split in two, as the two ‘realities’ battle it out for dominance. ‘Reality’ being what it is (i.e., monolithic), this is a fight to the death. In the end, only one ‘reality’ can prevail.
Historically, we humans have not done very well in such psychotic ontological environments. When “reality” is shattered into a thousand little shards, and things fall apart, and the center does not hold, we tend to get rather scared, and confused, and agitated. We start to panic. We try to put “reality” back together again. This does not work. This worsens our panic. We start looking around for a new “reality.” We start looking for a savior, a leader, a Führer, someone with a vision, and the will, and the power, to impose a new “reality” on the ontological chaos that is making us so confused and agitated, and scared, and angry, and restore some sense of ideological cohesion so that we don’t have to think about “reality” on a moment-by-moment basis anymore.
We are living in the Age Of The Great Putrefaction, the Blackening stage implemented by the false Alchemists of the Great Reset. We, the frightened, scared and confused masses, must take control from these psychotic fake alchemists and initiate a true alchymical transformation of humanity, starting with ourselves.
Malthusian cultists playing Gd and only because they have money. Money and power. Those are their false Gods.
Describing the current madness as a “war on reality” (CJ Hopkins) is an interesting perspective. It is another way of saying that almost everything we are told these days is a lie.
I still swither on whether the people who are herding us towards their brave new world are mad or bad (or just useful idiots in the case of the supporting lower-level functionaries). Maybe a bit of both. They may have managed to inherit very large fortunes or to reach the top of their own niche greasy poles but most of them appear to be crackpots based on their public pronouncements.
The alchemy parallel is also interesting. The original alchemists had no science to follow. The modern alchemists may say they are following the science but real science doesn’t work in their cherry-picked way. Does that mean they are mad or are they just guileful, i.e. bad? My default assumption is the latter.