It’s a question I’ve been struggling with for a while and one which the nation is struggling with (or not, as the case may be) as we witness the full, jaw-dropping extent of Mad Miliband’s apparent cult-like, unhinged obsession with Net Zero on display for all the world to see at COP29. He really does come across as someone who is genuinely not right in the head and urgently needs referral to a secure psychiatric unit - for his own good and for the benefit of society. It’s almost depraved that a man of such obvious compromised rationality and intellectual acumen should be in charge of delivering energy to power the needs of a nation of 70 million people. But he is and here we are, with an energy secretary who’s apparently madder than a cuckoo nesting in the Mad Hatter’s top hat. But is he really that mad, or is he putting on a show?
Because Mad Miliband is not the only nutter at the top of the UK government saying insane things in Azerbaijan. He’s joined by Starmer and Lammy:
Starmer is making a total prat of himself too, and no doubt Lamentable Lammy is joining in the clown circus. So what are the chances of three certifiably insane politicians at the top of the UK government all singing from the same certifiably insane hymn book at the same time, in the same place, to an international audience devoid of any other major world leaders, but which includes the bloody Taliban (which the press assure us Starmer and his team didn’t meet with)? I’m thinking virtually zero. I’m thinking this is a Punch & Judy muppet show and I’m wondering who is behind the stage with their hands up these three goons arses?
Mr Milibean and Weird Stalin are basically telling the world that they alone are going to immiserate and impoverish the nation which they supposedly lead as an example to the rest of the world in how to lead on climate! COP29 is Celebrity Baku-Off without the celebrities, just a motley crew of C-raters (and the Taliban) assembled to listen to a climate sermon delivered by the PM and Energy Minister of what was once a world-leading innovative industrial and economic powerhouse of a country.
The Telegraph can’t quite believe it. Even they have to ask:
And at this point we’d have to ask the question – is Ed Miliband a liar or a fool? There does not appear to be a third option. And some people will tell you that he could be both. On the one hand he says we must do away with gas boilers, clampdown on petrol cars and encourage people to use less electricity. But then he claims none of this will affect our lives.
So maybe Miliband is a fool and a mendacious, malign, conniving git at the same time. Maybe you can be both a rabid Communist and an idiot. It’s a possibility I guess. But then you have to enquire as to the ratio of idiot to Communist. As Doug Brodie says, we’ll probably never know for sure what motivates these people swinging the wrecking ball at the British economy and way of life. We only know for sure that the result of their policies will be disastrous for the British economy, for society and the environment.
But if Miliband really is a fool, he’s not such a fool that he will fall into the trap set by a Channel 4 journalist who asks him if his ‘climate change is real cos extreme weather innit’ spiel is the message he wishes to convey to incoming President Trump. In response he says “No, the message for us is we’re going to do what’s in our national self-interest.” So he is steering well clear of getting embroiled in a politically damaging argument with the US president re. the necessity of decarbonisation and instead pivots confidently to saying that Net Zero is in the UK’s national interest. Which of course it’s not, but even so, does that sound like the rantings of a mad man? It sounds more to me like the rantings of a devious, treacherous, malign Marxist who is pretending to be a climate fruitcake and a champion of oxymoronic ‘Green growth’ so he can justify taking down capitalism in the world’s sixth largest economy.
But Starmer is nobody’s fool, he’s everybody’s fool. Surely he must be to say something as absurd as this:
Starmer at #cop29: “There is no national security, there is no economic security, there is no global security, without climate security.”
How idiotically incompetent, foolish, arrogant and scientifically illiterate do you have to be not to recognise that ‘climate security’ is not a thing, that there can never be an assurance that climate or weather will not change? Because of course they have changed, throughout human history, and for millions of years before that, often exceeding modern climate change both in magnitude & rate of occurrence. There is no climate security and no mere mortal, even a Weird Stalin, can ever provide us with it.
So I could be wrong. Miliband, Lammy, Starmer, Reeves and Rayner might all be certifiably loco, away with the faeries, a few sandwiches short of a picnic, permanent residents of Cloud Cuckoo Land, etc., and they might just have happened to find themselves in a fortunate position at the top of British government where they can tangibly express their shared batshit crazy delusions about simultaneously saving the planet and re-envisioning the British economy. You never know.
I noticed that interesting pivot too. He mentions the recent floods in Spain, the random day two years ago when we hit 40 degrees (for a few seconds as some RAF jets took off/landed next to a thermometer) and “what’s happened in America” (by which I presume he means Hurricane Milton and Helene) as his “proof “ of climate change. All of which are ridiculous non scientific examples (albeit presumably ones that speak to ordinary punters).
And just as was I digesting this and taking it as decent evidence that he is actually mad and not intelligent enough to understand what he is talking about or provide a scientific rationale, he contorts perfectly as to the message to Trump seconds later. And comes up with an answer that was impressively switched on as to the realities and politics at play. And I saw his eyes and thought, no, he knows it’s all BS, it’s about power and money….but….argh.. but is it?!
And thus I was promptly back with my conundrum as to what on earth is actually going on with him - and your article just arrived as if you are a mind reader!!
My view on the 3 stooges.
Milliband reminds me of a religious zealot who cannot be argued out of his beliefs. Essentially harmless if working in a religious setting, extremely dangerous in his current position.
Starmer is using the cult of climate emergency to advance the cause of destroying non-state enterprise in Britain. Make everyone reliant on electricity for heating, cooking and transport, you can then readily turn it on and off to control activity and behaviour.
Lammy must just be a DEI hire?