Look at that smile! A true hero of the resistance and each tooth of that toothy grin worth a billion dollars.
I am so pleased. He was facing years in jail at the behest of the corrupt German government who tried to silence and punish him. This is a great day for natural justice and a huge win for all of us who have spoken out against the lockdowns, the masks and the injections, plus all the other Covid bullshit they’ve thrown at us for these last three years. It’s a huge win for science too. If anyone embodies science, it’s Sucharit Bhakdi, not that fraudster Anthony Fauci, who so pompously made claim to doing so.
Well done for keeping your eyes peeled for this event! It really is great news, but sadly I very much doubt if we will hear anything about it on the complicit MSM. Search for “Bhakdi” on treasonous BBC News and you get absolutely zilch of relevance.
Oops, my search was mis-spelled (t instead of d), when corrected there are zero results on BBC News.
Thank you for sharing that awesome pic! I am so grateful to and proud of my amazing readers for making the #IStandWithSucharit campaign I launched five days ago go nuclear on Twitter and elsewhere:
• “Profiles in Courage: Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-prof-dr-sucharit)